Tony Sobrado
Philosophy, science & social science
Tony Sobrado is a social scientist and freelance writer focusing on philosophy, science, atheism and current affairs. He has written for the Huffington Post, the Center for Inquiry, the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science, the Skeptic Magazine and Free Inquiry Magazine. Sobrado was an Editorial consultant on Donald Hoffman’s groundbreaking book, The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes which was shortlisted for The World Physics Book of the Year by the Institute of Physics. Sobrado worked with Professor Donald Hoffman on key theoretical issues regarding the nature of the mind, the definition of consciousness and how it relates to the philosophical frameworks of realism and idealism.
Sobrado also produces The Biggest Questions podcast, discussing the issues of reality, existence, truth and consciousness with the world’s leading thinkers including John Searle, Sean Carroll, Carlo Rovelli, Donald Hoffman, Simon Blackburn, Bradford Skow, Joshua Knobe, Victor J. Stenger, Julian Barbour, Anthony Aguirre, John Heil, Philip Goff, Massimo Pigliucci and Adolf Grunbaum.
He holds a BSc in Political Science and Philosophy from The London School of Economics and a Master’sdegree in Social and Political Theory. You can find him on X @TonySobrado.